LuggageLock is designed to provide a tamper evident security seal for travelling bags and luggage.
Key Features
Travel With Peace of Mind
How do I use it?
Very easy to use, thread the tag through the zipper heads, pull it tight through the locking hole. Break the number tab off your LuggageLock and keep it safely for reference.
When you get to your destination, get your lugage and before you remove it from the airport etc. inspect the seal to ensure that no one has messed or tampered with your luggage. If the seal is missing, or the number on your tab is different to that on the seal, it's quite likely that your luggage has been tampered with, and you should report it to the authorities immediately.
Why not use padlocks or cable ties?
TSA (Transportation Security Administration) approved locks are readily available - they allow a TSA agent to open the padlock with a master-key. Unfortunately these are only good for the United States - outside of the USA airlines will treat them like any other lock and cut them off.
Cable ties are not uniquely serial numbered and are commonly available; anyone may purchase another cable tie and relock your luggage.
There are other baggage seals on the market why should I use LuggageLock?
The LuggageLock seals have been especially designed to be used for travel bags and several key features have been incorporated into the seal that put LuggageLock ahead of the others.
This convenient number tab acts as a reference and allows you to apply the seal and check-in the bags without wasting time memorizing numbers or writing on reference cards.
Every seal has a unique serial number. You will not find any other LuggageLock with the same number in its colour type.
A metal jaw locking mechanism provides a higher level of security while delivering a user-friendly smooth pull action.
There are times where you may need to open your bags during your journey. The ability to remove the seal by ripping the tear-off tail will allow you access to your luggage easily and without additional tools such as knives and scissors.
The small diameter of the stem allows the seal to be applied to even tiny zipper heads.